"Wanderer" Raw Honey - 2024 Spring Harvest - Maple Hill Apiary

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"Wanderer" Raw Honey - 2024 Spring Harvest - Maple Hill Apiary


Harvested from our apiary in Sellersburg, this honey, particularly the spring harvest, is comprised of red and silver maple nectar which saturates the area surrounding it. Being located in a residential area, this honey is also influenced by many other ornamental species that are planted by area homeowners.

Every January, when the breeding grounds of the midwestern united states are covered in snow, millions of monarch butterflies huddle up in the mountains of central Mexico.

Having endured a journey of thousands of miles just four months prior, they perch in trees and await the arrival of spring.

As the temperatures climb and daylight hours increase, the monarchs become reproductively mature and ready themselves for the spring migration. Mating commences in Mexico, but will continue on throughout their northward migration into the Midwest.

Net Wt. 16 oz. (454 g)

Harvested by season & location.

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